Tools And Softwares
Xiaokang Fu / January 2025
The open source tools I have developed in the past are listed below,
- Georouting. A Python package designed to calculate the shortest drive time, compatible with various routing tools such as OSRM, Google Maps, Bing Maps, and more, all through a unified API.
- Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME. An open-source workflow tool for replicable and reproducible geospatial analysis.
Online tools and apps I have built are listed below,
- RapidRoute. An online app computes drive time and distance for geospatial big data.
- Harvard housing map. Top 10 cheapest and nearest (by CGA) Harvard housing properties Map.
- 2SFCA APP. An online app for two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method.