My Researches
Research Projects
Reproducible and Replicable GIScience
Study and Development of Reproducible and Replicable GIScience Methods and Tools.
Environmental and Disaster Management
Air pollution and urban flood study.
Public Health and Human Well-being
Covid-19 and public health study.
Tools and Softwares
Open Source Tools and Software for big geospatial data analysis, replicable and reproducible tools.
Open Source Tools
Inferring air quality
Inferring air quality based social media data.
Open Source Tool
Geo routing package for Python users, supporting most of the routing tools, including OSRM, Google Maps, Bing Maps, etc. with a unified API.
Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME
Open Source Tool
KNIME nodes for processing, analyzing and visualizing Geospatial data.
Waterlogging detecting
Urban waterlogging detecting based photos and texts from social media data.
Harvard housing map
Web Map
Top 10 cheapest and nearest (by CGA) Harvard housing properties Map.